Fashion Friday and Lean on Me

Hello Friday, Whatcha Knowin? Hello to You, my friend!

It’s been a whirlwind week packed chock full for me. You know how some seasons seem to amp up, and stay at a pretty fast pace? That is the season I’m in currently, but it slows down towards the end of May, and takes a nice leisurely pace through summer. I like both… crazy busy and long empty days that I can fill any way I like! It seems

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Monday Motivation

I don’t know if you watched the Superbowl, but oh what a comeback story! It seemed the Patriots were simply under a cloud for most of the game. You could see discouragement and even despair on their faces. But then, hope returned as they began to scale the mountain. I don’t know about you, but I was so inspired just watching the turnaround and watching them claw their way back up to what seemed an impossible victory! During the game, it

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