Fashion Friday and New Destinations

It’s a Beautiful Friday here in the wonderful state of Michigan! How are things in your corner of the world? My heart is so full of joy today because my sister Susan and her daughter Megan came into town, (she is at my parents’ house) and we will get to spend some time together this weekend!

So I’ve been sharing with you for awhile now about the Facebook Group I started a little over a month ago, Thirty For Thirty. It was a challenge for myself and anyone who wanted to join me to do 30 minutes a day of some physical activity for 30 days. I personally needed to intentionally carve time in my day for exercise… it had been far too long without consistency. So I started the group and honestly there are so many people out there who seemed to want the same thing! Well we completed that challenge last Sunday on Mother’s Day. But no one wanted to stop!

So, we are coming back with a new challenge: The Summer Sizzler! This will begin on May 26 and go through the summer to Labor Day Weekend. The concept is the same, 30 minutes a day of intentional activity. The ladies are all reporting such good things! Some have more energy, some are losing weight or gaining muscle, all seem to love the sense of community and cheering each other on! So I would love to extend the invitation to you too! Very friendly, all positive, no judgement no matter where you are at or what you’ve accomplished ever, so if you simply watch from the sidelines, you are welcome! It is a “Facebook Group” (free) so you would need to be on Facebook. If you click the link here, you should be able to request to join. Summer Sizzler 100 Day Challenge

Come sizzle the summer away and end up feeling fantastic!

Ok, on to the fashion for this week! First up the Nike Sportswear Windrunner Jacket

I love the beautiful lines of the color blocking on this jacket! I think Kasey likes it too! It has a dropped hem in the back to provide extra coverage when out on a run. It’s a beautiful jacket, and I love black and white together!

My bag is a gorgeous bag from Stella & Dot which I’ve used every day for almost a year now, and it still looks brand new. It’s the “Daytripper“, a great bag!

My shoes are a casual red suede sneaker I am calling my “ruby slippers” because I love them so! They are Adidas, and are on sale right now, Woohoo! They also come in a beautiful shade of purple. (Notice below Kasey is keeping watch so nothing comes out of the woods to get me!)

To complete the ensemble, the tee I have on underneath the jacket is the Bonsoir Tee by Junk Food. (I love fun statement tees! And this one has a red lipstick graphic!) This is really fun for me because “Bonsoir” is French for “Good Evening”, and I took French in high school and college so its kind of fun to have it on a tee! Bonsoir mon ami! Good evening, my friend!

Next up I have a floral kimono… these are so pretty and flexible! The one I’m wearing sold out already! But here is one very similar and at a great price, $45, and another one here at a price of only $49!

They give such a feminine casual vibe!

I used a black cami underneath and let the kimono do all the talking.

My necklace is one of my new faves from Stella & Dot, the Kala Charm Necklace. Its shaped like multiple seashells but in this beautiful silver and I just want to keep picking it up and looking at it, its so interesting and pretty! And it’s a great price at just $59!

My bag is the Mini Signet Bag from J. Crew, an almond color with a really interesting fob on the side. It’s a fun little bag and will be great for the summer.

Finally, I have on a fun look for the weekend with a moto jacket and a statement tee with a bucket list of cities that would be lovely to go see!

The tee is the Sundry Runway Destinations Tee, it just makes me happy wearing it because I imagine jetting off to these glamorous cities with only fun on the agenda! The white bag is my new little fave, the Chain Strap Faux Leather Crossbody Bag by Sondra Roberts.

Kasey the Bloggy Doggy is definitely on board with new destinations! She can run through the woods like a rocket!

It wasn’t that long ago that I had never tried on a moto jacket – some how I had convinced myself that I wasn’t “qualified” to wear the jacket.

You know what? I learned that Everyone is Qualified! Boom! You’ve simply got to try one on!

I volunteer with a really cool Facebook group I’ve shared with you before, The Forever Fierce Revolution (don’t you love that name?) and its for women midlife and beyond sharing fun, interesting and useful information. Currently on Mondays I get to do a “Takeover” where I lead out a topic that women speak into. This last week I brought up the topic of taking a girl’s getaway trip. I asked women who have done them to share their tips and opinions, and women who have never done them to share their questions and ideas and it was so much fun!

Many of the ladies said they take trips with the girls to the beach or camping or just to a nearby nice hotel for a night away! It doesn’t have to cost a lot. It’s just getting excited about getting away!

My sister Stacey loves to go with her husband to bed and breakfasts and seek out the more off the radar types of beautiful quiet life, maybe check out antique stores, interesting architecture, they also love car shows. They also plan larger trips to Europe, but they usually prefer the quieter towns to visit to really get a taste of life over there.

My parents go near and far to auctions because you can find some beautiful antiques and all kinds of treasures at those!  My sister Susan and her daughter Megan love to go explore new beaches and new shopping (they live in Florida). The point is to plan to get away and just have some fun!

One time I traveled all the way to Buffalo, NY for a Craigslist purchase… it was so much fun! I had never been that way before, and it was exhilarating to navigate and plan and stop for sightseeing and what not! I’ll never forget that feeling of getting up early in the morning and heading out on that adventure!

I encourage you to just plan some kind of excursion! It doesn’t have to be far! Just a ride in the country with a couple sandwiches and ice cream money! Drive down a new street, and look at the sunset from a new angle and just let it fill your heart with wonder at what a gift this life is! The most lovely sunset may be within 5 miles of your home!  Sometimes I take my walks down dirt roads early in the morning in my community and when that sun is peaking on the horizon it can just take my breath away! You just can’t put a price on that.

I hope you have a weekend that is breathtakingly magical! I hope you get out there and have some fun, and have a good laugh, and have some good food, and just truly be delighted by life! And maybe plan a little getaway to new destinations of your own!

I’ll be back Tuesday for another Tasty Tuesday!

Love Always,


Travel not to find yourself, but to remember who you’ve been all along.    ~Anonymous

Places I link up:

Jo Lynne Shane My Life and Style 

Northwest Mountain Living and Style 

Sharing A Journey

Fashion Should Be Fun  

Not Dressed As A Lamb





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