Fashion Friday and Lean on Me

Hello Friday, Whatcha Knowin? Hello to You, my friend!

It’s been a whirlwind week packed chock full for me. You know how some seasons seem to amp up, and stay at a pretty fast pace? That is the season I’m in currently, but it slows down towards the end of May, and takes a nice leisurely pace through summer. I like both… crazy busy and long empty days that I can fill any way I like! It seems

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Fashion Friday and Taking A Stroll Outside Your Comfort Zone

Hello Friday! Its been too long!

And Hello to You, Dear Friend!

What do you have planned for this weekend?

I have a little of this and a little of that, including a trip to visit Mom and Dad, and another trip to the dentist (their whole team is awesome, and good dental care really is a blessing!) Hopefully, I will also get some “girlfriend” time with my sister Stacey. I have to tell you she has fashionista in her DNA, so time with Stacey is

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Fashion Friday and From the Heart

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Its Friday! Hurray!

This week was super busy for me, so I am really looking forward to some r & r this weekend! How about you? Well grab your coffee, and lets chat a bit! It’s “Fashion Friday”, and I wanted to share a little treasure that came across my radar. There are a number of companies I’ve discovered recently that provide a personal shopping service that you can connect with online and have trendy clothing delivered right to your door! I now have tried three different

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